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List view record 1: Hay Festival Livestream: Ranger Hamza's Eco QuestList view anchor tag for record 1: Hay Festival Livestream: Ranger Hamza's Eco Quest
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Hay Festival Livestream: Ranger Hamza's Eco Quest

25 May 2024 - 10:00 AM to 11:00 AMCulter Library

Join us at Culter Library for this free event livestreamed direct from the Hay Festival.

From the smallest seed to the tallest tree, everything in nature has a purpose. CBeebies' Hamza Yassin explains how everyday nature heroes play a crucial part in our ecosystem, and how you have a role to play too.

Family event. Suitable for 3+

Please note this is a livestream, not an in-person author talk.

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List view record 1: Hay Festival Livestream: Ranger Hamza's Eco Quest

Hay Festival Livestream: Ra...

25 May 2024 - 10:00 AM to 11:00 AMCulter Library
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