Machan [DVD]
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Uberto Pasolini directs this comedy drama based on real events. Sri Lankan slum dwellers Manoj (Gihan De Chickera) and Stanley (Dharmapriya Dias) have long dreamed of escaping their poverty-stricken lives and escaping to the beautiful West. Their chance finally arrives in the unlikely form of an invitation to represent their country at a handball tournament in Bavaria. Despite numerous obstacles and misunderstandings, the pair become increasingly determined to maximise on the only opportunity they may ever have to secure a brighter future for themselves.
Machan [DVD] / director, Uberto Pasolini.
Pasolini, UbertoDe Saram, Lakshman Joseph, musicWarbeck, Stephen, musicDias, Dharmapriya, actorDe Chickera, Gihan, actorDharmaraj, Dharshan, actor
Yume Pictures, 2010.
1 videodisc (109 min.) : col.
Languages (Sinhalese and English); Subtitles (English, Dutch, French, Norwegian).
Producer, Conchita Airoldi; producer, Uberto Pasolini; producer, Prasanna Vithanage; writer, Ruwanthie De Chickera; writer, Uberto Pasolini; music, Lakshman Joseph De Saram; music, Stephen Warbeck.
Cast: Cast: Dharmapriya Dias, Gihan De Chickera, Dharshan Dharmaraj, Namal Jayasinghe, Sujeewa Priyalal, Dayadewa Edirisinghe, Malini Fonseka, Hemasiri Liyanage, Ravi Kumar, Mahendra Perera, Chathurika Pieris, Ronika Rannetthi.
BBFC code: 15.
DVD Region 2.